A new survey reveals that people,
who are involved in relationships, want their partners to quit smoking and lose
weight, so that they can boost their health.
According to statistics disclosed
by the British Heart Foundation (BHF), around 79% people with a smoking
addicted partner revealed that they would like their partner to reduce on
smoking or stop it completely. In comparison, 59% people revealed that they
would like their partners to trigger off weight loss.
Statistics disclose that around 2.3 million people living
in the UK are
afflicted with heart diseases. In comparison to those who don’t smoke, people
who are addicted to smoking, are 60% more at risk of dying from heart ailments.
Data released by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) state that
asking the partners of smokers in a clear and straightforward manner was the
most effective way to help them alter their behaviour.
Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk, Date: 26th March 2013