Tuesday, November 27, 2012

50% Increase In Cigarette Price Can Help Avoid 40 Lakh Deaths Caused By Smoking!

A latest report disclosed by Asian Development Bank, a multilateral funding organization, reveals that a 50% increase in cigarette prices would help in preventing 4 million (40 lakh) tobacco related deaths in India. This report also makes it known that increasing cigarette cost by 50% would help in avoiding 20 million tobacco related deaths in China. Altogether, the report discloses that 50% hike in cigarette prices would help avoid a total of 27 million (2.7 crore) tobacco related deaths in several nations, including India and China.

The report discloses that Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, India and China have emerged as the top five nations among the fifteen tobacco using countries that are responsible for two third of world tobacco use. According to the report, in India, 50% cigarette price increase results in 70-122% rise in taxes. Further, the report states that raising tobacco taxes in India and other top four tobacco consuming countries will ultimately result in lesser number of long-standing smokers and a fall in premature deaths caused by tobacco-related ailments. 

The report highlights that bidi is the general form of smoked tobacco in India. However, in the Indian subcontinent, cigarette smoking has gradually started to substitute bidi smoking. With that revelation, the report emphasizes on the need for governments to implement new cigarette tax regulations and at the same time maximize efforts to charge taxes on tobacco products on a broader basis. 

Source: The Times of India, dated 15th November 2012
Original Source: PTI

Monday, November 26, 2012

Public Health Agency Encourages People to Quit Smoking and Celebrate World COPD Day

Cigarette smoking is identified as the primary factor responsible for COPD. Hence, the Public Health Agency (PHA) is cheering smokers to stop smoking right away as a sign of support for the World COPD Day (14th November 2012).
According to PHA`s Head of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Gerry Bleakney, smoking can damage or cause inflammation to the airways lining and is likely to evolve as the biggest factor responsible for COPD. However, Gerry also reveals that as an individual starts smoking for longer periods, it increases his risk of falling prey to COPD.
Furthermore, news sources make it apparent that in the year 2012; around 32,973 individuals have registered in Northern Ireland as patients of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This ailment may lead to mild or severe type of abnormal sputum, wheezing, shortness of breath et al and when COPD becomes severe, it may cause problems in walking up the stairs.

The most common symptoms of COPD are breathlessness, wheezing, abnormal sputum (a mix of saliva and mucus in the airway), and a chronic cough often mistaken for a ‘smokers’ cough’.

Gerry Bleakney reveals that it is difficult to find a suitable treatment for COPD that can help patients get rid of the disorder. He adds that quit smoking is the best way to reduce the chances of worsening this disorder and to prevent your lungs from getting damaged.

People suffering from COPD should visit the general healthcare practitioner instantly and opt for early diagnosis. This is likely to help in preventing deaths from COPD.
Source: http://www.ballymenatimes.com/, dated  18th November 2012

Latest News On Smoking

Smoking Addiction By Pregnant Women Can Cause Serious Damage To Health
Date: 18th November 2012 

According to a latest disclosure, pregnant ladies are increasingly getting addicted to cigarettes and this is posing a serious threat to their health and well-being. Scottish government had released statistics showing that in the year 2010; about 23.2 per cent pregnant women were found smoking cigarettes when they had appointment with the doctor for the first time.

John Lamont, the MSP of Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Ettrick makes it apparent that increased pressure to quit smoking can make pregnant women lie about their smoking addiction and hence the number of smoking-addicted pregnant ladies can be a comparatively higher figure.

Furthermore, statistics associated with smoking reveal that 23.2 per cent in 2010 is somewhat higher than 2009 when the number of pregnant women addicted to smoking was 22.7 per cent.

According to John Lamont, the statistics available on women getting addicted to cigarette smoking raises a lot of alarm and hence something needs to be done to encourage pregnant ladies to quit smoking at the earliest.

John Lamont reveals that addiction to cigarette smoking can inflict severe health damage and is likely to prove more dangerous for a pregnant lady. He further adds that cigarette smoking by pregnant women can lead to serious problems for the mother as well as the child and hence something is to done urgently to create alertness about this issue.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Stop Smoking Events

1. The Great American Smokeout Event

The Great American Smokeout Event is aimed at raising awareness about the hazards of tobacco usage and it is celebrated every year on the third Thursday of November. This event was started by The American Cancer Society in 1977 with a view to teach the public on the dangers associated with tobacco use and to push smokers to get rid of smoking addiction for lifetime.

2. World No Tobacco Day

This is another quit smoking event and it is celebrated on 31st May every year. This is an event started by the World Health Organization (WHO) and during this event, particular details are provided to the public on the dangers of tobacco, steps taken by the WHO to fight off large-scale tobacco usage across the world and also the strategies that can be adopted by people to ensure healthy living.

3. Kick Butts Day

Kick Butts Day was started by the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) and it is celebrated every year on 20th March. The significance of Kick Butts Day is that it is a day when the youth takes initiatives by standing up and speaking against tobacco use. On this day, the youngsters empower the fight against tobacco usage by creating awareness about the ill-effects of tobacco and by supporting stringent anti-tobacco laws.

On smoking and Stop Smoking

Why Do People Get Addicted To Smoking?

People get addicted to smoking cigarettes under the false impression that it is an integral part of style and culture. Some find that smoking cigarettes is the ultimate way to make a hip style statement and youngsters get addicted to smoking when they try to imitate film stars smoking on screen.

The Need For Stop Smoking

Addiction to cigarette smoking has emerged as the principal factor responsible for cardiovascular diseases, cataract, peptic ulcer, osteoporosis and a range of other ailments. Hence, quit smoking is the urgent need of the hour and people across the world have come to realize it.

Let me also add it right here that Passive Smoking is capable of inducing serious health hazards and this spells out the urgent need for stop smoking. 

Stop smoking Initiatives

  • A significant number of countries across the world have banned smoking in restaurants, schools, parks,theaters and shopping malls. 
  • A news release by the World Health Organization (WHO) has appealed to world leaders to
    take measures against attacks from the tobacco industry which weakens the policies formulated to
    safeguard people from the harm of tobacco use.